Wednesday 19 September 2012 is Ganesha Chaturthi (4th day of Bright half of Lunar month of Bhadrapada)
This is the Grand day of Lord Ganesha

Ganesha has many names denoting His attributes
(more detail). One of His most important qualities is Vighneshwara: the remover of obstacles. Traditionally He is invoked at the beginning of all auspicious undertakings: most yagyas begin with recitation of the names of Lord Ganesha. The eldest son of Lord Shiva & Parvati, fruit of the interplay between the absolute reality & it's power of manifestation, Ganesha is lord of compassion - divine love. Wisdom is also one of his primary attributes. The day of Lord Ganesha is a window of opportunity during which we can invoke the wisdom & compassion of the divine to clear away obstructions to our material and spiritual progress in life. Through the technology of yagya we can harness the impulse which is lively & accessible on this day to remove great obstacles from our path to material and spiritual fulfillment. The day of Ganesha is the best day of the year to perform yagyas for Ketu. It is also considered an auspicious time to perform Mangal/Mars yagya.


...Well only you could believe that on day one of the yagya his solicitor wrote to us offering to settle (after 4 years)... Remarkable. Ganesh this is the conclusion to all of the dramas which began 4 years ago. This is the outcome we have wanted. Full Text

The green light was given to J's new show (after saraswathi yagya) - discussions about giving it the go-ahead had earlier stalled with indications that it would not be commissioned. Production is now underway and all is going smoothly.

Thought you might like to know that J's new show (which we had the (saraswathi) yagya done for in July) has consistently been number one for the last couple of months. Everyone agrees it is punching about its weight. Very cool.
All the best
L. NSW, Australia

...yagyas are such an incredible blessing....Not only are we "fore-warned" but we can actually change the outcomes in our favour... Full Text

...I am simply left with a wonderment at the workings of the universe and an overwhelming gratitude for his (Ganesh's) help. Full Text

Can you remember...just how much he was suffering. Then we did the yagya...I cannot begin to tell you how thrilled I am and how happy and confident he has become. Full Text

Then when he suddenly had all that pain over Christmas I thought well this is it. Then the yagya you did for him seemed to take away the pain... which 'suddenly' one week after the yagya resolved in one day... Full Text

...I do not ever remember feeling as positive and calm as I have since the Yagya has been completed. Full Text

...she and her friend won 1st prize for their section [Years 7 to 10] and then proceeded to also win the Grand prize for the evening, beating the year 10, 11 and 12's... Full Text

Hi Ganesh
It was probably the strongest influence I have ever felt in the performance of a yagya. Meaning, I felt immediately when it began every day... Meditations were profound with deep transcending.. a whole new level of experience.
A. South Australia

Dear Ganesh
Things are now much calmer. But it certainly has been a rocky few months.
We did sell the house ... now after all that has happened in the world - the stock market collapse etc - I feel that we were very fortunate, the financial context is much clearer now.
All is well.

On the cosmic scale - all is as you predicted. The emotional upheavals have been unrelenting but I felt very supported all along the way - an island of calmness in the midst of the storm.
So in brief, it's all on track - all is as it should be. So thanks again.
Your advice was wonderful and the yagyas worked.
K. NSW, Australia

"What a yagya. I think my whole physiology is changing... I think this must be the best yagya ever...The impacts keep on coming. I can feel the pundits coming and going. It is amazing...Can you book me a place for next year?"
PR - Melbourne, Australia

On the days of the yagyas, I devoted myself to saadhana (spiritual practice)- actually I tried to "do" saadhana but could "do" nothing except lie in the saadhana room in a semi-swoon, feeling like I was being "done". The energy was so powerful I was totally unable to function, so I surrendered to it. I suppose this is normal.
I hope you are well and everything is shining in your world.
K, NSW, Australia

Basic yagya - AUD$504
Maha Yagya - AUD$854