Essentials of Vedic Astrology Block 1: Static Horoscope
Exercises for Lesson 5A&5B: Effects of the Bhava Lords

Effects of the Bhava Lords

1] Go through the houses of your horoscope from the first to the twelfth. List all the yogas according to this method of analysis.
For example:
Lord of the 1st house occupies which house
Lord of the 2nd house occupies which house
Lord of the 3rd house occupies which house
Lord of the 4th house occupies which house

Here are some guidelines to help you establish an order of priority.

2] The ascendant is the most important house in the horoscope it represents everything that comes first in the life of the native. Accordingly, the ascendant lord is a highly significant planet. Which ever house he goes to and what ever planets he associates with indicate primary directions in the native’s life.
Consider the following:
A] house occupied by the ascendant lord
B] Planets he conjoins or aspects

Can you see the influences of a or b above in terms of an important or pervading theme in your life.
Please elaborate your answers and be specific in your identification of the astrological labels.

3] Repeat the process employed in question 2 using the trine lords [lords of 5th & 9th houses].
Can you see influences of auspiciousness, giftedness, talent or good fortune in connection with
A] the house occupied by the trine lord or
B] planets he conjoins or aspects
Please elaborate your answers and be specific in your identification of the astrological labels.

4] Repeat the process employed in question 2 & 3 using the Kendra lords [lords of 4th & 7th & 10th houses].
Can you see influences of power or prominence or significance in connection with
A] the house occupied by the kendra lord or
B] planets he conjoins or aspects
Please elaborate your answers and be specific in your identification of the astrological labels.

5] Repeat the process employed in questions 2,3 & 4 using the dhustana lords
Can you identify any unfortunate or inauspicious influences in connection with
A] the house occupied by the dhusthana lord or
B] planets he conjoins or aspects
Please elaborate your answers and be specific in your identification of the astrological labels.

6] Return to your interpretation augmented in Exercise 4B, Dhustanas, Q7. How does this added information enhance or clarify your interpretation so far? Please elaborate with examples specifying the influence of the bhava lords.

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Essentials of Vedic Astrology - Exercises for lesson 5A&B Effects of the Bhava Lords ©2006 Astrosalon p/l